Parents » Extracurricular/Enrichment Activities

Extracurricular/Enrichment Activities


Elementary School Enrichment Activities

Extracurricular / enrichment activities are a great way for students to meet new friends, learn new things or give something back to their community. Most important, studies show that students who are involved in enrichment activities earn higher grades and are more successful – both academically and socially. Details about meeting dates and times are generally provided via notices sent home with students. Parents and students should also feel free to contact their club advisor for more information.



Band - 5th grade

Mrs. Strausser

Chorus - 4th Grade

Mr. Kovalovsky

Chorus - 5th Grade

Mr. Kovalovsky

Intramurals – 4th Grade

Mrs. Bufano or Miss Williams

Intramurals – 5th Grade

Mrs. Bufano or Miss Williams

Richard Mann Elementary 
1366 Waterford Road 
Walworth, NY 14568 
Phone: (315) 986-3521, x1511 
Fax: (315) 986-3506 
[email protected]